Our mama goats taking a break from the kiddos.
Inky is one of our Indian Runner ducks, she is called a blue.
This is Ares one of our newest bucklings.
Goat love.
Oh now those duckers are snoozing in the shade!
Darcy and Achilles taking it easy.
Getting ready to plant new spirea and lavender before the flower bed goes in.
Now the mint has lots of room to spread.
Rosemary has done so well this winter.
The broccoili and kale beds have doubled in size in only one week!!!
This is my herb bed. Oregano and sage from last year and 18 new asparagus plants. Not to mention Thyme, basil, and two kinds of parsley.
Lettuce entertain you:)
Momma Athena helping daughter Hera wash off her two new arrivals.
Hello there grand daughter! Look closely for the face in the amniotic sac. Wicked!
Isaac, my 12 year old, birthing Athena's bucklings. He birthed four kids that day!
Sweet little Darcy dreaming of milk and running in the pasture.
Sunny duckers.
The goat girls in their new digs before babies.
Working in compost, rabbit, and goat poo into the new raised beds.
These were the raised beds just a week ago.

I can't believe all the work we've done in the last two weeks on the yard, garden, and with the animal set ups. We doubled the size of the goat enclosure and none too soon as the babies came bounding into the picture. We got the new chicken pen built and will be building the coop soon. The raised beds are going crazy and we are getting ready to replant the flower beds and mulch everything. Mr. Ronny came by to plow and till our garden and there are visions of tomatoe plants dancing in my head, well, that and onions, peppers, eggplants, squash, cucumbers, watermelons, and cantalopes;) I am happy to be here this year for the planting. Last year I was in Utah for the planting and the first month of growing and missed out on some great fun. We joined WWOOFing and hope to get some volunteers this Summer. WWOOFing is a world wide agency that puts volunteers and farmers together. If you have a farm, volunteers come and help with the work, you teach them how to plant, harvest, and work the animals. We already do Couchsurfing so we are looking forward to adding this aspect to our lives and passing on our knowledge so that others might benefit from it.
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